Welcome back Maple class!
What a fantastic start we have had to the Summer term! It is great to be back with Maple class. This term we have been working on our narrative writing in preparation for our final assessed piece of writing. We have been writing adventure stories about a Magic Pebble, I am excited to see how much imagination our children have got!
It has been a busy start to the term, with lots of fun and exciting activities happening. We have spent the first couple of weeks getting to know each other. I have been learning about the children’s existing routines so there are not too many changes for them.
Next week we will be continuing with our class topic ‘Our Wonderful World’. We are going on trails around Lambley looking at what we love about our village, we are working with local artists from the Gedling Country park creating a memorial statue before finishing our topic with a class treat enjoying the Gedling Country Park.
Keep your eyes open for the exciting work we will be doing.