Lambley Primary School is committed to ensuring children’s safety and wellbeing. If you are concerned that a pupil may be at risk of harm or that they may be at risk from extremist behaviour, please contact one of our safeguarding officers:

Lee Christopher (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Rebecca Shardlow (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Jennifer Swinburne (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
The safety, welfare and care for all children and staff at Lambley Primary School is of absolute paramount importance. We ensure that it is at the forefront of our thoughts through everything that we do. In every briefing and staff meeting, we discuss ‘pupil first’ to flag up any concerns; we run regular updates and attend regular training; and we constantly seek to improve our practise with the primary aim of keeping all safe. All staff at Lambley understand the need to be vigilant and appreciate that safeguarding concerns and issues of child protection could happen at any time and with any one in school.
All staff receive regular safeguarding updates in a range of areas and our DSL’s ensure they keep abreast of key issues.
All staff are regularly updated with new training. Every year starts with safeguarding training and the revised KCSIE document (found below) is looked at and the main changes discussed. We use the NSCP for training, guidance and further advice.
We also want the children to fully understand that they should speak up whenever they are unhappy or do not feel safe. One way we teach this is by discussing the following:
You deserve to be safe and happy every day in school.
When you are safe and happy you achieve great things.
If you do not feel safe and happy, use your voice, speak up and ask for help.
If you do not feel you can speak up, talk to a friend who can be an “Upstander” and find an adult for you.
Or use your Colour Monster Display or worry box in class to raise awareness that you are upset.
Staff will ALWAYS listen.
What might upset you?
Unkind words or teasing
Feeling excluded (left out)
Someone hitting you, putting their hands on you or pulling your hair
You feel you are being bullied
Someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do
Someone says something unkind to you outside school
Someone says something hurtful and tells you they were joking
Someone ignores the PANTS rules
Remember: Staff will ALWAYS listen.
These things are not a joke and you do not have to accept them!
You deserve to be safe and happy every day in school.
When you are safe and happy you achieve great things.