What does the Governing Body do?
The Governing Body at Lambley Primary School is made up of members of the local and school community, all acting on a voluntary basis. We have a mixture of local authority, parent and staff governors as well as members who have been co-opted from the local community. Each member brings a different perspective and set of skills to the governing body.
We are responsible for ensuring that the school is run to promote pupil achievement and constantly striving to make sure every child reaches their full potential.
We provide strategic management, act as critical friends and ensure accountability. We work closely with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.
We are required to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions and when a school is inspected by Ofsted, the governing body is required to provide evidence that governors are fulfilling these three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
How is the Governing Body Organised?
We amended our instrument of government (which sets out the size and composition of our governing body) to update the number of governing body members to [13] as follows:
- 3 parent governors (who are elected by parents and carers of children at the school);
- 1 Local Authority governor (who is nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the governing body based on his/her skills and experience);
- 1 staff governor (who is elected by staff at the school);
- 8 Co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body based on skills and experience).
- The Headteacher (who is a permanent member of the governing body)
As well as attending formal Governing Body Meetings (2 x per term) we all play an active part within school and attend governor training sessions on various educational issues to help us in our role. We have a number of working parties but these all operate under the ‘Essential Governance’ Committee. We are also responsible for ensuring that our school policies are reviewed regularly, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations/legislation.
If you would like to email the Chair of Governors, the address is: dbathgate@lambley.notts.sch.uk
Please use this link to see: School Register Of Governors’ Interests
Who are our Governors?
Name: Di Bathgate (Chair of Governors)
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 01/03/15 – 27/02/2023
Attendance: 6/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: Serving on the Governing Body at Woodland View Primary School.
Working Party Membership: School Improvement and Self Evaluation, CPD & Leadership, Pay Committee, HT Appraisal, Essential Governance, SLT, Pupil Progress.
Name: Lee Christopher (Head Teacher)
Governor category: Staff Governor
Appointed by: Local Authority
Current term of office: Permanent
Attendance: 6/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: As head teacher, Lee is involved in all committees.
Name: James Roys (Vice-Chair of Governors)
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 24/03/2021- 23/03/2025
Attendance: 6/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Essential Governance Committee, Chair of Finance Committee, SLT, Complaints, Self Evaluation, Leadership Development & CPD, School Improvement: Learning Challenge Curriculum, Health & Safety
Name: Alanna White
Governor category: Staff Governor
Appointed by: Staff Elected Member
Current term of office: 20/09/22 – 19/09/26
Attendance: 1/1 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: Year 4 Class Teacher at the school
Committee Membership:
Name: Catherine O’Hara
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 29/03/22 – 28/03/26
Attendance: 4/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Essential Governance, Finance Committee, GDPR, Pay Committee.
Name: Claire Davis
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 14/11/2020 – 13/11/2024
Attendance: 6/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Parents Forum and Parents Interface, Essential Governance, School Improvement: Mastery of Maths, Safeguarding, Attendance, SEND & LAC
Jenna Townend
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 07/07/2020 – 06/07/2024
Attendance: 5/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Finance and Pay
Name: Liam Wiltshire
Governor category: Associate Member
Appointed by: Governing Body
Current term of office: 29/03/2022 – 28/03/2026
Attendance: 5/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Website, GDPR, Travel Plan
Name: Luke Richardson
Governor category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governors
Current term of office: 29/03/2022 – 28/03/2026
Attendance: 6/6 Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Essential Governance, Parent interface, Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Travel Plan
Name: Ojali Yusuff
Governor category: Local Authority Governor
Appointed by: The LA
Current term of office: 29/03/2022 – 28/03/2026
Attendance: 1/1Meetings
Register of interests & other positions held: None
Committee Membership: Essential Governance
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