As part of our curriculum, it is important that we teach the children about relationships – some of this is included within our Talking Points lessons and some in our PSHE lessons. Relationships are also discussed when we look at our school values and during Sex Education units. Different elements of this unit are looked at in science (life cycles), Talking Points, (relationships, family units and other areas) NSPCC Pants rule, e-safety and PSHE.

Our school is using the Talking Points schemes of work to deliver the RSE curriculum. It uses picture books as a starting point to get children talking about their own health and mental wellbeing as well as addressing other issues such as managing money and understanding democracy. Its aim is to develop children’s understanding of themselves, their emotions and how to deal with others. It also teaches children how to stay safe in many situations and who to speak to if they are ever worried or concerned.

Please see the RSE guidance and our RSE Policy below.

Any Questions

If you have any questions about our RSHE curriculum, the resources we use or the content of these lessons, please do ask. Please contact our RSE curriculum lead: Miss Hall


DfE RSE Guidance

RSE Policy

RSE Letter To Parents

Lambley Primary School