At Lambley we are a values-based school. We believe it is essential to teach key values and empower children; ensuring they are ready for Life beyond Lambley. Our values-based curriculum, is a vital way of promoting and enhancing the children’s social, moral, spiritual, emotional and academic well-being. A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. We can call on these values to help us make the right choices, especially when we are faced with difficult decisions.
Throughout the year, the children will focus on our three key values: Readiness, Respect and Resilience. We will teach these over the three school terms, thinking carefully about the important words associated with these values. Through discussing these values, in detail, we will develop the children’s understanding and their ethical vocabulary. We will empower the children so they can describe them to each other and so they can spot them in themselves and others.
We are so proud of the caring nature of the children at Lambley and we want to continue to develop this. Our values-based education will enrich all areas of the curriculum, enhance the calm, purposeful atmosphere in school and improve our personal development.
We will study our values over a two-year cycle. This will give us the opportunity to really develop the children’s value-based vocabulary and thus develop a deep understanding of these important life skills. To see our two-year rolling programme click the link below.
Values-based Curriculum Rolling Programme
Values Newsletter 6 Good Listeners