Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch
Last week in Birch class we got creative! We made paper plate sea creatures for our ocean habitats display, and then used chalk on black sugar paper to create a lighthouse scene at night. We also made sock seagulls which got extremely messy! These are on display in our classroom if you want to pop in to have a look. The class also met Sebastian, our Giant African Land Snail. We learnt how to look after him and got to hold him if we wanted to.
We have launched our class challenge board. Each child has set themselves a challenge target which is something they would like to get better at this year, and I will also set them a weekly challenge on our class grid.
The children took part in a ‘Get Caught Reading’ challenge and the entries were fantastic! The winner was chosen by Mrs Smith who comes in to hear the children read. I will post the photographs on the blog so that you can see their fabulous entries. Well done Birch class! Isaac Quinn was the overall winner, winning the prize of a book. All of the other children were given a runner up prize of a personalised book mark for their hard work. These are all on display in our reading garden if you would like to come and have a look!